Leafletter, an amazing application

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Leafletter (Beta)

It does not get richer and more web 2.0 than this. I mean you can literally create a "mini website" just in your browser (something akin to tiddlywiki, a wiki which can be edited in a browser), and you can then "post" the flash-based content anywhere! In blogs, on social networks, wherever. It has 36 standard layout, and its wigitiness allows you to change the layout anytime merely by dragging and dropping.

Yes, that's what it is. A flash-based tiddlywiki, heh.

Photographic and graphic portfolios, and advertisements seem to have the greatest potential, but the possibilities are really limitless.

"Leafletter is the "revolutionary" way for anyone to create a portable, interactive "little web site" ("Leaflet") using nothing but a web browser. You can easily distribute Leaflets to social networks, blogs, and other web sites.Use Leaflets for everything from portfolios to marketing materials. It's simple and it's free."

Check out these samples;


Posted by Pithaly at 10:49 PM  


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