Mashed blogs in Twitterfeed and Twitter

Monday, September 17, 2007

See the finished result in the left column. Neat!

Why not mash a few blogger feeds, and then make a "description only" Twitterfeed, which would show up on a "Twitter" account? . That would be a neat way to access all the blogs that you read from one Twitter account. the Twitter feed itself could be posted on your blog.

Step 1: Blog feed: This is an example of a blogger atom blogfeed.

(You could use the automated feedburner feed too, but that would require the blogger to activate the feedburner feed in blogger.)

Step 2: Create a new twitter user at

(or use your existing one)This twitter user is going to be the one posting your blog entries - twitterfeed needs to know your chosen twitter username and password so it can post your blog updates to your twitter account.

Your Twitter account would be:

Step 3: Get an OpenID from


(OpenID is a way for individuals to create identity online and use it anywhere OpenID is supported. OpenID means the elimination of multiple user names and passwords and a smoother, more secure, online experience.)

Step 4: Login to twitterfeed using your OpenID.

Step 5: Enter the URL of the blog's RSS feed, and how often it should post to twitter. Both RSS and Atom feeds are supported. Posts need to contain publish dates in order for our server to know what's new. Feeds requiring authentication will fail.

Step 5: Create a new Twitter feed:

Step 6: Add another blog feed:

Step 7: WAIT!

The Twitterfeed server will check the blog feeds.

I wait! (11.51am). It works!! Twitterfeed even shortens the url for you.


Popular sites which accept OpenID:

Only a tiny fraction of Web sites--mostly blogs like WordPress, (through a plug-in), Technorati, AOL, LiveJournal and its clones, Digg and SixApart sites, and individual blogs--now accept OpenID credentials.

Check out this link for sites which support OpenID:

Maybe the biggies like Google and Yahoo will also support it one day. Social networking sites are beginning to migrate to OpenID.

If you want a more secure OpenID, consider Vidoop. It's in Beta and by invitation.

This post through Windows Live Writer Beta 3.

Posted by Pithaly at 3:04 PM  


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