Huge "Dorito" UFO filmed in the UK. Today.

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Seems that the newspaper have used a pic from the 1990 Belgium sighting. Here's the original Belgium "Dorito: sighting 17 years ago.

I'm not a UFO fan or anything like that, though the mystery that there may be other life on other planets does fascinate me. I confess I have a huge collection of SF novels collected over the years!

Some UFO sightings do draw a lot of attention, especially if the UFO has been photographed, and confirmed that it is not a fake. The UFO sighting filmed by the Italian astronomer was pretty amazing, and so I blogged about it.

There's news today of a flurry of sightings, of what's being called the "Dorito" UFO, and seems someone has actually filmed a 10 minute shot of the low-flying giant craft.

The still photo above is amazingly clear, and does not represent any known experimental craft, nor was any sound heard. I'm waiting for more news on this!

Read the original full story dated 1st December 2007 in the "ExpressStar" here.
End of Post

Posted by Pithaly at 3:11 AM  


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