Password protect excel sheet
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Go to excel, and in any sheet right click in the little Excel icon file and choose "View code".
That should take you to the VB Editor.
Delete the text that appears (If you had nothing there)
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
End Sub
Now, copy this text:
Public PvSh As String
Public Pwd As String
Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
If Pwd = "" Then
If Sh.Name = "Sheet2" Then
Num = ActiveWindow.Index
Windows(Num).Visible = False
If Application.InputBox("Enter Password", "Password") <> "airplane" Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Password", vbCritical, "Error"
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.EnableEvents = True
Pwd = "airplane"
End If
Windows(Num).Visible = True
End If
End If
End Sub
wow! cool .. i really wanted somethin like tht because of the fact that i'm working like shit on something at work and then i suspect my work's going to be passed off as his by my colleague .. so wanted to do somethin abt it.
One thing:
When you save the file, make sure that you are in tab 1 which has the code, and not in the tab (2) which has the data, else the file will save as opened. (Btw, the data can be in any tab. just make sure the code in in another tab).
I like to mention in tab 1 that the data is in tab 2, password protected, lest the user thinks he's been sent a blank file lol!
This is especially important if you want to transfer the file to someone else. On opening, it will open in tab 1, and on the user clicking tab 2, a password would be asked for.
oh cool thanx :)
I've actually used this for a submission of a confidential file. Place the code in sheet 1. Sheet 2 will be password protected.