Searching in Gmail

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Search Mail in Gmail

To find messages in Gmail:

* Type search terms in the Search Mail field.
o You can go to Search Mail quickly by pressing /.

Use the following operators:

* subject: - Search the Subject line.
Example: "subject:bahamas" finds all messages with "bahamas" in the Subject.
* from: - Search for sender name and email address. Partial addresses are okay.
Example: "from:heinz" finds all messages from "", but also all messages from "".
* to: - Search the To line for names and addresses.
Example: "" finds all messages sent directly (not via Cc: or Bcc:) to
* cc: - Search recipients in the Cc field.
Example: "" finds all messages that were sent to as a carbon copy.
* bcc: - Search for addresses and names in the Bcc field. Note this only works with emails you sent to Bcc recipients from Gmail.
Example: "bcc:heinz" finds all messages that you sent with, for example, "" in the Bcc field.
* label: - Search for messages assigned a label. (Replace whitespace characters in label names with hyphens.)
Example: "label:toodoo-doll" finds all messages labeled "toodoo doll".
* is:starred - Search for messages that are starred.
* is:unread - Search for new and unread messages.
* is:read - Search for messages that have already been opened.
* has:attachment - Search for messages that have files attached to them.
* filename: - Search within file names of attachments. You can also search for file name extensions to restrict your search to certain file types.
Example: "filename:.doc" finds all messages with word processing attachments.
* lang: - Search for messages in a particular language. (Specify the language in English; "Chinese" works, but "中文", "Putonghua" or "Mandarin" do not, for example.)
Example: "lang:French" returns all emails that contain at least un peu de Français.
* in: - Search in a standard "folder". You can search in Drafts, Inbox, Chats, Sent, Spam, Trash and All (for everything, including Spam and Trash).
Example: "in:drafts" finds all messages in your Drafts folder.
* after: - Search for messages sent after a date. The date must given in YYYY/MM/DD format.
Example: "after:2005/05/05" finds all messages sent or received after (and not including) May 5, 2005.
* before: - Search for messages sent before a date.
Example: "before:2005/05/05" finds all messages sent or received on May 4, 2005 and earlier.

Operators and search terms can be combined with the following modifiers:

* By default, terms are combined with (an invisible) "AND".
Example: "shepherd macaroni" finds all messages that contain both "shepherd" and "macaroni".
* "" - Search for a phrase. Case is disregarded.
Examples: "shepherd's macaroni" finds all messages containing the phrase "shepherd's macaroni"; 'subject:"shepherd's macaroni' finds all messages that have "shepherd's macaroni" in the Subject field.
* OR - Search for messages containing at least one of two terms or expressions.
Examples: "shepherd or macaroni" finds messages that contain either "shepherd" or "macaroni" or both; "from:heinz or label:toodoo-doll" finds messages that either come from a sender that contains "" or appear under the label "toodoo doll".
* - - Search for messages that do not contain a term or expression.
Examples: "-macaroni" finds all messages that do not contain the word "macaroni"; "shepherd -macaroni" finds all messages that contain the word "shepherd" but not "macaroni"; 'subject:"shepherd's macaroni" -from:heinz' finds all messages with "shepherd's macaroni" in the subject that were not sent from an email address or name containing "heinz".
* () - Group search terms or expressions.
Examples: "subject:(shepherd macaroni)" finds messages that have both "shepherd" and "macaroni" somewhere in the Subject line (but not necessarily as a phrase); "from:heinz (subject:(shepherd OR macaroni) OR label:toodoo-doll)" finds all messages from a sender who has "" in their name that either have "shepherd" or "macaroni" (or both) in the Subject line or appear under the label "toodoo doll".

Posted by Pithaly at 9:48 AM  


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